Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Carter's1st B-day

Can you believe that Carter is ONE!! Time flies by when you have two kids. My parents came down for the weekend and we had a quaint little party with just family. We thought Carter would dig into his cake and make a huge mess. This kid puts everything in his mouth, from dirt to sticks to batteries...everything that is except birthday cake! He wouldn't touch it, and when he did he was mad that the frosting stuck to his hand. We couldn't believe it. We still had fun though. He got some nice gifts from Aunt Stacy and Uncle Scott, and from Aunt Kristy and Uncle Alex. He also got his own sandbox from Grandma and Grandpa Collins (sand not included). Maybe he will do better at his next first birthday that we will have next week with Craig's parents. Click on pic to see his birthday party Album.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I can't believe it has been a year! What a big boy. Happy Birthday Carter. :)